Start Fixing Your Credit

Today For Free!

With The Most Advanced User-Friendly Credit Repair Software

Start Fixing Your Credit

Today For Free!

With The Most Advanced Ai Credit Repair App

Why The Academy?

Because it is about more than just the money!

The Academy

Setup Fee $0

Monthly Fee $0

DIY Course $0

Total Average $0

Credit Repair Companies

Setup Fee $249+

Monthly Fee $149+

DIY Course $497+

Total Average $1,997+

Free Credit

Repair Academy

Setup Fee $0

Monthly Fee $0

DIY Course $0

Total Average $0

Most Credit

Repair Companies

Setup Fee $249+

Monthly Fee $149+

DIY Course $497+

Total Average $1,997+

Why Is It FREE?

We believe that everyone should have great credit. We walk you through the process and help you as long as you need us. The only thing we require you to pay for is a credit monitoring subscription with because it is how the system will recognize what accounts need attention.

This is DIY using the AI Software that does the work so that we don’t have to. This is why we will never charge you for the Factual Disputing DIY software because you do the work with the help of the community.

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The Academy

Designed to help you win at credit repair!

Ai Credit Repair Web App

This software is so smart that you can repair your credit while running errands or attending to the kiddos. In just 3 easy steps you will be able to improve your credit score and save tons of money in the process.

We take the guesswork out of credit repair with this intuitive software that does all the heavy lifting so that you can focus on learning how to build your credit.

The Free Credit Repair Course

In this one of a kind credit repair course you will get the knowledge you need to understand the game of Credit Repair along with a step by step process on repairing your credit just like us credit repair specialists would. Best part is that by joining the Academy you not only get the course for free but you will also get access to our Software for Free.

Plus, ongoing support from our community throughout your entire credit repair journey. Everything you learn here is so good that you can use it to start your own credit repair business.

The Most Supportive Credit Repair Community on Discord!

This is a very supportive group of the most stupendous individuals who are already seeing some great results. They have been where you are and can help shed some light on what to expect as you work on your own credit.

Even more this is the group where we offer support to all of our members. Feel free to ask any questions and one of our team members will get to you quickly but in the meantime you will receive support from others just like you.

Ready to get started?

The only thing you have to lose is bad credit, so....

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